Myth, Magic, & Metaphysics in Your Media
Posted by Pamela Jaye Smith on
There’s MAGIC in the air, whether from Harry Potter’s wands or the wizards of Lord of the Rings. Ancient MYTHS come to life in modern forms from the Mayan calendar and Roland Emmerich’s 2012 to Slumdog Millionaire’s version of Orpheus and Eurydice.The principles of METAPHYSICS are all the rage in our personal lives from those Laws of Attraction promoted in The Secret to secrets of the gods and the afterlife as explored in Battlestar Gallactica. These three categories overlap, and each is a rich source of story material because they are some of the most enduring and popular ways we...
- Tags: advice, expert series, pamela jaye smith
Light A Fire: Writing For Celebrity
Posted by CreateSpace on
Artists want control. Really? How refreshing! Or, are we just making up new ways of defining independent? Perhaps. If a green light comes from independent financing and not a studio, you’ve got an independent. In 2009, 36% of the total film market was created by independents ( In 2010, the number was slightly less at 32%. The remaining 63 to 68 percent of the market was split among WB, Paramount, Universal, Buena Vista and Sony. So, what does that mean for screenwriters? A lot. It means everyone is looking for the next Juno, The Kids Are All Right, Slumdog Millionaire,...
- Tags: advice, expert series, hester schell
John Truby Interview February 2011
Posted by John Truby on
John Truby is Hollywood's premier screenwriting instructor and story consultant. Over the last 25 years, more than 30,000 writers have attended his sold-out seminars around the world, with the American Film Institute declaring that Truby's "course allows a writer to succeed in the fiercely competitive climate of Hollywood." Called "the best script doctor in the movie industry," Truby regularly serves as a story consultant for major studios and production companies worldwide, and has been a script doctor and story consultant on more than 1,000 movies, sitcoms and television dramas for the likes of Disney, Sony Pictures, FOX, HBO, Alliance Atlantis,...
- Tags: advice, interviews, john truby
Writing a Cinematic Scene: Now Write! Screenwriting Exercise
Posted by Steve Duncan on
(Excerpt from "Now Write! Screenwriting: Screenwriting Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers", edited by Sherry Ellis & Laurie Lamson)A film, by its very nature, is a visual art form. However, I’ve found that new screenwriters tend to forget that they’ve ever seen a film in their lives. Too often, inexperienced writers go right for wall-to-wall yakking when writing a scene or sequence for a movie. While verbal dialogue drives television scenes, you want to write dramatically effective cinematic scenes for a feature film. An effective approach is to use The Seven Elements of a Scene or Sequence. Use them...
Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest with Simon Kinberg
Posted by #N/A on
"I was incredibly impressed with the scripts, both the quality of the writing and the original takes on the concept. They really feel like movies." - Simon KinbergWant to know what the judges are looking for in the First 15 Pages? Click here to download the Finalists from this round of the contest.Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! Join us in congratulating Mary Krell-Oishi on her victory in the Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest with Simon Kinberg!Mary Krell-Oishi’s script, “Secret Asian Man,” was selected by Simon and our panel of judges. She is soon to embark on her ultimate Hollywood...
- Tags: contests, simon kinberg