Advice — pilar alessandra
Write your Screenplay in 10 Minutes a Day
Posted by Pilar Alessandra on
I know you’re busy. Trust me, I’m with you. You’ve got work, school, kids, you name it. Family counts on you, friends need you – someone’s probably e-mailing, texting or instant messaging you right now!So how in the heck are you going to find time to write? Well, look down at that smart-phone or computer. You already are.Be honest. How many times a day do you sneak in a Facebook post, send a brilliant thought through Twitter or entertain a far-away friend with a text? Every time you do, you’re writing.You’re relating an anecdote; describing a person you met, engaging...
- Tags: advice, expert series, featured, pilar alessandra
How to Make your Pitch Stand Out
Posted by Pilar Alessandra on
Our reader Loretta from Roseville, CA asks I only have a short time to pitch my idea. How do I make my screenplay idea stand out from the rest? Script Consultant Pilar Alessandra answers "Hook them" with your big idea right away. At a pitch-fest or writing conference, you just don't have the time to dwell on set-up. Catch the attention of the producer you're pitching to by putting your log line up front in a way that gets their attention. Try: "What if ____?" Or, "Imagine that _____." Now that you've got them thinking, you can elaborate on who...
- Tags: advice, expert series, pilar alessandra
The Future of Story Interview Series: Pilar Alessandra
Posted by #N/A on
Pilar Alessandra is the director of the Los Angeles-based writing program On The Page and a highly sought-after speaker and script consultant. She’s worked as Senior Story Analyst for DreamWorks and Radar Pictures, trained writers at ABC/Disney and MTV/Nickelodeon and presented classes at The Great American Pitchfest. Her students and clients have sold to Warner Brothers, Sony and more. She recently released her new book, The Coffee Break Screenwriter Writing Your Script Ten Minutes At A Time.Ann: In your book, The Coffee Break Screenwriter, you discuss how emotion + action tells the story, can you share your theory about story...
- Tags: advice, ann baldwin, interviews, pilar alessandra
Write your Screenplay in 10 Minutes a Day
Posted by Pilar Alessandra on
I know you’re busy. Trust me, I’m with you. You’ve got work, school, kids, you name it. Family counts on you, friends need you – someone’s probably e-mailing, texting or instant messaging you right now!So how in the heck are you going to find time to write? Well, look down at that smart-phone or computer. You already are.Be honest. How many times a day do you sneak in a Facebook post, send a brilliant thought through Twitter or entertain a far-away friend with a text? Every time you do, you’re writing.You’re relating an anecdote; describing a person you met, engaging...
- Tags: advice, expert series, featured, pilar alessandra