Advice — susan kouguell
How to Write a Query Letter the Right Way
Posted by Susan Kouguell on
A great query letter is your key to unlocking an executive's door. Take your time and be as thoughtful about your query as you were when writing your screenplay. Industry professionals view query letters as a reflection of the writer's screenplay and writing skills, so the assumption will be if the query letter is poor, then the script will be, too.A query letter serves three main purposes: It opens the door to establishing a relationship with an executive; It requests permission to legally submit your screenplay and; It creates a paper trail, which provides a written record of everywhere it...
- Tags: advice, expert series, featured, susan kouguell
How to Write a Query Letter the Right Way
Posted by Susan Kouguell on
A great query letter is your key to unlocking an executive's door. Take your time and be as thoughtful about your query as you were when writing your screenplay. Industry professionals view query letters as a reflection of the writer's screenplay and writing skills, so the assumption will be if the query letter is poor, then the script will be, too. A query letter serves three main purposes: It opens the door to establishing a relationship with an executive; It requests permission to legally submit your screenplay and; It creates a paper trail, which provides a written record of everywhere...
- Tags: advice, expert series, featured, susan kouguell