Advice — featured

How to Sell a Screenplay with These 10, Must-Use Story Techniques

Posted by John Truby on

The key question that all screenwriters should ask themselves is: how do I write a script that Hollywood wants to buy? Most writers mistakenly think that success is all about connections and star power. Not so. The real trick to writing a script that will sell is to know and use Hollywood's central marketing strategy. And that can be summed up in one word: genres.Former Universal Pictures chairman Marc Shmuger recently said, "There's no doubt the star system is in transformation. Arguably the two biggest stars in the first half of 2009 were Kevin James (Paul Blart: Mall Cop) and...

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How to Write a Query Letter the Right Way

Posted by Susan Kouguell on

A great query letter is your key to unlocking an executive's door. Take your time and be as thoughtful about your query as you were when writing your screenplay. Industry professionals view query letters as a reflection of the writer's screenplay and writing skills, so the assumption will be if the query letter is poor, then the script will be, too. A query letter serves three main purposes: It opens the door to establishing a relationship with an executive; It requests permission to legally submit your screenplay and; It creates a paper trail, which provides a written record of everywhere...

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