Writing The New Sci Fi TV Pilot For 2016's Blazing Television Marketplace
Writing the New Dark TV Hero
Writing the Low Budget Independent Movie
Writing the Irresistible Novel: Techniques and Insider Secrets for Making Your Novel One Agents Can't Help But Request
Writing the Game Changing Contemporary Horror Screenplay
Writing The Fabulous (& Fashionable) TV Crime Serial
Writing the Black Comedy
Writing Television 101
Writing Partnerships: The Essentials to Finding Your Match
Writing High Concept Screenplays That Sell
Writing Great Loglines to Sell Your TV or Film Projects
Writing an Unreliable Narrator
Writing and Selling Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Writing and Selling a "Page Turner" Webinar
Writing and Producing the Micro-Budget Film
Writing an Award Winning Drama Feature
Write Your Novel in 90 Days
Write Sci-Fi Film & Television Scripts That Sell
Writer's Series: Create Characters Audiences Connect To
Write and Sell Nonlinear Screenplays: Nolan, Kaufman, Tarantino, and More
Write and Produce Your First Short Film...for Next to Nothing!
Worldbuilding for Fantasy and Science Fiction: How to Create Unique and Immersive New Settings for Your Novels and Short Stories
What the Heck Are Executives Thinking? Looking at Your Script from the Exec’s Point of View
What Literary Agents Can, Cannot, and Will Not Do