Developing Your Unique Voice
Developing the High-Concept Screenplay
Creating Great Horror Villains
Creating A Film Franchise In Today's Movie Market
Create Authentic Characters Using Your Personal Experiences
Create An Emotional Connection Through Characters and Story
Cashing In on the Second Golden Age of TV
Build Your Author Platform Through Blogging Webinar
Building a Successful Screenwriting Career from Outside L.A.
A Pro Screenwriter’s Keys to Writing a Page Turner
Amp Up the Stakes: Create a Ticking Clock
Adapting a Novel or Play for Film or Television
7 Common Blunders Screenwriters Make (and How to Avoid Them)
12 Top Tips to Write a Screenplay that Gets Noticed by Agents and Production Companies
Finding the "Story" in True Stories OnDemand Webinar
Building Tension with Suspense vs. Surprise
Mindset Strategies for Surviving a Rewrite
Developing Fascinating Characters
Writing Your First 1-Hour TV Script
Writing TV Scripts that Get Noticed in Development Departments
Writing TV Animation
Writing the Web Series
Writing the Spec Pilot Script that Launches your TV Career
Writing the Power Protagonists of AMC, HBO, and SHOWTIME