Television Success Strategies
Psychology of Subtext: The Meaning Behind The Words
Writing The Phone Call
Powerhouse Character Creation - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
Building The Perfect Scene
Writing the Spec Screenplay
Rules for Writing Flashbacks
Writing the Spec Script That Launches Your Career
What I Really Want is Representation – The Agent and Manager Panel
Tools of the Trade
The A-B-Cs of Television Script Structure
Everyone Can Spot A Fake
The Rewrite
Key Emotions of Storytelling
The A-B-C's of Writing for TV - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
Getting Past the Reader
Getting An Agent The Old Fashioned Way—The Query Letter
Connecting with Characters
Writing the TV Spec That Sells
Script Secrets
Respecting the Antagonist
Query Letter - Strategies That Work
Pitch Perfect
Kinetic Logline