Writing the Game Changing Contemporary Horror Screenplay
The world's first oral tales were horror stories, told to incoming generations as a way to convey social values, rules and morality. Today's horror movies have taken this concept one step further, using larger-than-life antagonists to remind us of the ever-haunting uncertainty of life, as well as the fear of death, that plagues us all as a species.
Every decade, the horror genre creates a new set of conventions, recycling old concepts while incorporating fresh innovations. From NOSFERATU to THE SIXTH SENSE, every few years one "game changing" horror film wins over audiences and is indicative of a tidal wave of change within the genre, affecting everything produced from high-budget reboots to low-budget independent productions.
Join "The Queen of Horror" Mylo Carbia as she shares her unique insight into what makes today's most recent horror films harbingers of what is to come, and how to use this information to your advantage by writing a "game changing" horror screenplay that will elevate your career and potentially serve as your ticket to stardom.
During this 90 minute OnDemand webinar, you will identify and explore current trends within this year's horror movie lineup, and learn Mylo's unique formula for staying ahead of the trend-curve by creating characters, plot twists and surprise endings designed to completely outsmart loyal horror film moviegoers around the world.
- The decade cycles of horror movies and where the genre is heading
- Which "game changing" horror films impacted the genre most
- What horror conventions have specifically changed over the past five years
- What "horror audience formula fatigue" is and how to combat it
- How to use "scene flipping" to create genuine shock and suspense
- How writing a critical first scene is more important than ever
- How to create a franchise-worthy antagonist that stands the test of time
- How to use suspense foreplay as your weapon of entertainment
- How to create heroic protagonists that fit today's cultural expectations
- How to create images that burn into moviegoers' minds for years
- How to break Hollywood conventions without getting shut out
- How to murder the stereotypical protagonist
- How to develop a single script into a franchise
- What you need to know before writing Zombies, Vampires or Werewolves
- How to make your story timeless and appealing to all cultures
- How to hide the "golden answer" in the backstory
- How to write an awesome "fake salvation" scene audiences will love
- Why you should include the one physical sense that everyone forgets to use
- Why you should create a horror writer platform through social media
- How to carve a writing niche out of a crowded marketplace
- How to trash treatments and use loose outlines to explode creativity
- How creating the ending first makes a better story
- Writers who love the horror genre
- Writers who want to learn more about modern horror movie trends
- Writers who want to write their first horror screenplay or novel
- Writers who want to learn advanced tips and tricks within the horror genre
- Writers currently revising old horror scripts for resubmission
- Writers who fear their concept is overdone in the marketplace
- Writers wanting to break to the top of the horror genre
- Writers wanting to learn the skill of writing dark, impactful scenes
- Writers who want a piece of the lucrative horror genre
- Writers frustrated with rejection of their horror scripts
- Writers thinking about turning their horror scripts into novels
- Writers who love movies by Rob Zombie, M. Night Shyamalan and Quentin Tarantino
- Filmmakers wanting to make awesome low-budget horror films
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.