The 30-minute TV Pilot Beat Sheet: From ABC to HBO to Amazon to Netflix
Television Success Strategies
Pitch Deck Writing: Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Engaging Pitch Deck to Help You Sell Your Script
Decoding Story: Elevate Your Writing Using Script Coverage Techniques
The Ultimate TV Pilot Structure Toolkit
Anatomy of a Mystery: Crafting Better Crime Drama
Tis' The Season: How to Write the Holiday-Themed Script
How To Develop, Sell and Write a Television Mini-Series
Writing a TV Pilot in 2025 Ultimate Collection
Create a Compelling Mystery: Storytelling, Suspects, Clues, Crime-Solving Methods, Conclusions, and More
Demystifying Adaptation: From Bookshelf to Big Screen
Writing the Pilot for the New Global Streaming Market
Write Great TV Scenes: Learn the Secrets of the TV 'BEAT'
Season Bible: Building Your TV Series Pitch
Creating The Next True Detective: How The One Hour TV Drama Works Right Now
One-Hour TV Pilot Structure: From ABC to AMC to HBO to Netflix OnDemand Webinar
The One Hour Drama: How to Structure An Episode In Detail
The New Television Marketplace
Writing the 30-minute Dramedy: The New Frontier!
Creating Pitch Packages That Will Sell Your TV and Film Projects
Structuring the Bulletproof One Hour Pilot Script
Creating a TV Pilot that Grips the Audience from Page 1
The A-B-Cs of Television Script Structure
Inside the TV Drama: Writing the Best Shows on Television