Writing The New Sci Fi TV Pilot For 2016's Blazing Television Marketplace
TV sci fi is hot, and writing an original sci fi story has suddenly become the way to get your first TV job. (It used to be that you'd write a spec for an existing sci fi series. Not in 2016.) To sell your pilot (and to get 'staffed' on a show), you'll learn the nine elements of great sci fi hits, and how to wield each one of them in a classic 5-act hour pilot structure (it's different from an episode in critical ways.) Shape your logline, and structure your pilot (you'll learn precise ABCDEF storyline patterns -- they are critical!) Learn what makes a truly original sci fi story for TV, and make your pilot an advertisement for your deep story telling talents.
Peter Russell is a working story doctor and teacher in Hollywood. One of Peter's recent students just won a Golden Globe's 'Best New Drama 2015' - for MR. ROBOT, a great new sci fi show.
In this webinar, you'll strengthen your sci fi story's hook, opening, beats, bible, and pitch - not by some academic set of notes but from watching scenes Peter has selected from fabulous sci fi TV hits like ORPHAN BLACK (serial pilot) BLACK MIRROR - Anthology, X-FILES - Procedural/Serial, MR. ROBOT Procedural-Serial, AGENTS OF SHIELD, FIREFLY and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA - Mini-Series.
- Why creating a hot logline helps you build your entire sci fi story.
- Strengthening your sci fi pilot by focusing maniacally on the single 'A' story that you'll take from pilot to season 9 - it's critical you get this right!
- Watch how sci fi masters like Whedon, Larson, Brooker, et alia use the 9 sci fi TV Elements.
- Learn the precise plot structure of half-hour, hour, and mini-series sci fi pilot
- How to write a fabulous pitch one-sheet from your idea (examples included)
- Understand what makes TV sci fi different from superhero or fantasy story
- See the 24 Beats that make up the hour sci fi hit pilot.
- Create a TV character with an 'unsolvable dilemma' to get you to 100 episodes
- Sci fi lovers who want to create their first cinematic TV story.
- Writers moving from 'spec' TV scripts to pilots
- Writers who want to 'get staffed' on an existing TV show
- Producers who are massaging their sci fi TV pilot to current market
- Directors, editors, and actors who want to turn the story they're working on into a hit
- Story creators who have never tackled the hour long or mini-series sci fi form
- Movie writers who want to make the jump to TV story (good news - most elements apply!)
Find out more about Peter's online classes at peterrussellscriptdoctor.com
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.