Build Your Author Platform Through Blogging Webinar
A Pro Screenwriter’s Keys to Writing a Page Turner
Amp Up the Stakes: Create a Ticking Clock
Adapting a Novel or Play for Film or Television
7 Common Blunders Screenwriters Make (and How to Avoid Them)
12 Top Tips to Write a Screenplay that Gets Noticed by Agents and Production Companies
Screenwriting Basics
Writing the Web Series
Writing the Irresistible Novel: Techniques and Insider Secrets for Making Your Novel One Agents Can't Help But Request
Writing Partnerships: The Essentials to Finding Your Match
Writing Great Loglines to Sell Your TV or Film Projects
Writing and Selling a "Page Turner" Webinar
Write Your Novel in 90 Days
Writer's Series: Create Characters Audiences Connect To
What the Heck Are Executives Thinking? Looking at Your Script from the Exec’s Point of View
What Literary Agents Can, Cannot, and Will Not Do
Video Game Writing: Secrets to Deep Story Worlds & Player Engagement
Using Twitter to Boost Your Writing Income Webinar
Unleash Your Inner Creativity
The Plot Thickens: An Agent's Tips on Story Structures That Sell Webinar
The Author Platform: How to Build It Professionally, Productively, and Profitably - Part I and II
Ten Steps to Break Into the Entertainment Industry
Story Structure Made Easy
Story Mapping the Summer Blockbuster!