The Author Platform: How to Build It Professionally, Productively, and Profitably - Part I and II
In this 38-minute video tutorial, you'll discover:
- What exactly is an author platform and who should use one
- The pros and cons of developing an author platform
- When and how to build your author platform
- Why visibility is crucial and worth the work
- Common mistakes writers make with their platforms and how to avoid them
Writers often think the writing is the hardest part. However, they’re leaving out the one thing they need to be truly successful: an author platform. In this tutorial, Jennifer S. Wilkov, shows how to raise your visibility and connect your work to your audience, literary agents, publishers, and the media. This is the first of two tutorials that describes what you need to know about an author platform, why you need one, and how to build one strategically. The information featured in this tutorial focuses on what an author platform is, when to build it, and why it's a necessity for your successful writing career.
Jennifer is an experienced book and business consultant who supports first time writers and seasoned authors with the essentials needed to become a bestseller: a great project, a strong platform and a well-polished pitch, presentation and hook for their book. Jennifer's expertise in all facets of the book writing, the marketing, and the publishing process has helped launch the careers of numerous authors, resurrected others, and expanded others into other creative endeavors beyond the books.
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