The 30-minute TV Pilot Beat Sheet: From ABC to HBO to Amazon to Netflix
The Sweet 16! The Only Tool You'll Ever Use Again To Create Characters
Television Success Strategies
Pitch Deck Writing: Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Engaging Pitch Deck to Help You Sell Your Script
Building Tension: Surprise Vs. Suspense
Decoding Story: Elevate Your Writing Using Script Coverage Techniques
Writing Great Description: How to Mesmerize Your Reader
The Ultimate TV Pilot Structure Toolkit
Anatomy of a Mystery: Crafting Better Crime Drama
Story Mapping the Complete First Season of a Television Series
Writing Memorable Characters
Tis' The Season: How to Write the Holiday-Themed Script
Writing Tension that Lasts
Script University Film Virtual Conference Session Bundle
Crime Writing From the Trenches of Hollywood
Simple Strategies for Building a Successful Screenwriting Career
Furious Writing: Car Chases, Shoot-Outs & How to Write Action Scenes
Logline & Query Letter Strategies That Work
How a Book Becomes a Movie: What Authors and Screenwriters Need to Know
Script Doctoring
Master Aaron Sorkin's Dialogue and Scene Techniques
Creating Subtext in Your Dialogue: The Meaning Behind the Words
Bring on the Funny: How to Write a High-Concept Comedy Script
Loglines: How to Sell Your Script in One Sentence