Effective Novel Hooks: How To Build One for Your Query Letter Webinar
Do Your eBook Right and Start Making Money Webinar
Don't Write a Script That Sucks: Avoid the Top 25 Mistakes Readers Hate
Writing Great Dialogue with Karl Iglesias
A Screenwriters Guide to Interactive Books
Developing Strong Dialogue in Your Screenplay
Developing Believable Characters
Developing and Pitching the TV Series
Developing and Pitching the Television Show
Develop and Pitch TV Shows Panel - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
Crime Scene 101: Death to Dust
Creating the Winning Series Premise
Creating a Sellable Screenplay Concept: Learning from Loglines of Scripts that Sold in 2013
Creating a Killer Comic Premise
Crafting Loglines That Sell
Crafting and Selling Your Picture Book Webinar
Constructing Powerful Story in TV & Film
Cast of Characters
Building Act One: Plot, Character, & Narrative Devices
Break Into Reality Television Writing
Breaking Story Effectively: Creating the Elements You Need to Write Solid Script Pages
Breaking into the TV Writers Room in 2016
Breaking into the Business: Effective Strategies for Launching a Screenwriting Career