The Comedic Hero’s Journey: Structuring the Comedy Screenplay
The Character-Driven Drama: Write Parts Actors Love
The Beats Of ALL Hit Movie Stories: Essential Moments Your Script Should Have
The Audience's Connection to a Screenplay: Engaging through Conflict
The Art of Writing the Twist Ending
The A-B-C's of Writing for TV - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
How to Write a Movie Script: The ABC's of Structuring Your Script the Hollywood Way
Television Success Strategies
Secondary Characters: Techniques for Writing Unforgettable Supporting Characters
Story Mapping the Summer Blockbuster!
Story Mapping the Films of Christopher Nolan
Story Mapping Oscar-Winning Screenplays of 2014
Story Mapping Oscar-Winning Screenplays!
Sell Your Screenplay in 30 Days Using New Media
Secrets to Writing a Great Animated Film
Script to Novel: Double Your Odds of a Sale Webinar
Script Secrets
Screenwriting Starter Package
Screenwriting Deluxe Package
Rules for Writing Flashbacks
Respecting the Antagonist
Psychology of Subtext: The Meaning Behind The Words
Powerhouse Character Creation - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
Plotting Your Way to a Compelling Screenplay