Tools & Techniques on How to Write or Adapt a Novel for Screenwriters
Screenwriting 101 for Novelists
Demystifying Adaptation: From Bookshelf to Big Screen
History in Action: Writing The Period Piece Script
Writing the Hit Musical Adaptation From History, Literature and More
Using Adaptations as the Perfect Source for Your Script
Script to Novel: Double Your Odds of a Sale Webinar
NOVEL TO SCRIPT: How to Adapt, Structure, and Sell a Screenplay Based on a Book
How to Write Your Lifestory or Memoir: Exploring Truth, Memory, and Craft
How to Successfully Adapt a Book into a Screenplay
How to Secure, Adapt, and Sell Best-Selling Books to Hollywood
Adapting Your Novel into a Screenplay: Take the Story from Book to Script
Adapting Charlie Kaufman: The Eternal Brilliance of His Non-Linear Storytelling