Writing Intriguing Loglines That Will Get Your Scripts Read – and Sold!
Can’t get your script sold? Or even read? Does it stall moving up the ladder? Or even just across the desk? Does all your hard-earned heat dissipate before it has a chance to gain any traction? Are you struggling to succinctly pitch a sprawling, low concept story in just 30 seconds? Or strategically rewrite it for unique prospects?
Your logline is the most important thing you'll ever write. And rewrite. And rewrite. It is the first impression you'll never get a second chance to make. It serves as a barometer for your story - and your writing ability. It may only take thirty seconds to deliver - but it takes forever to write - and can stay with your project for its entire lifecycle. Loglines are used by everyone who comes into contact with your work in a wide variety of ways. Learn what all those are - and how to use them to create the all-precious momentum.
Fantastic loglines are critical to your writing career. Learn how to write them. And raise the bar on your bottom line. Discover how to convey the promise of your premise with passion; how to position slight tweaks for different recipients ranging from film and television buyers, financiers, distributors, producing partners, attachments and agents – all the way through crowdfunding and DIY producing – to direct to your various consuming audiences.
Loglines can make or break your career. Learn how to make it - by writing excellent loglines.
- What a logline is
- The difference between a logline and a tagline
- How to write loglines for film and television projects; webseries and reality TV
- The connection between loglines, taglines and titles (and even key art)
- The elements every logline should have
- Most common logline mistakes and weaknesses – and how to fix them
- When you should write (and rewrite) your logline
- When you should rewrite your script (based on logline discoveries)
- How to distill premises that aren’t high concept
- How to use loglines of comparable projects to do market research and further creatively develop your material
- The many ways loglines are used by all the people in the process
- Writers who want to write kick ass loglines
- Writers who are ready to pitch market-ready scripts
- Writers who are tired of no one returning their calls
- Writers who have never pitched before and those who want to pitch better
- Writers who have never submitted their work anywhere
- Writers who want to know what executives are looking for in a logline
- Writers who have pitched before but have not sold anything yet
- Writers who want creative exercises to help come up with high concept premises
- Writers who are ready to make a great first impression
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