Your First 10 Pages: Make a Lasting Impression
By page ten you have either hooked your reader or lost them. You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression!
This webinar will teach you techniques that will make your first page exciting and engaging to readers. Use these methods that professional screenwriters use to hook your readers by page 10 and keep them read until the end!
• What to include in your first pages
• How to grab your readers from page one
• The crucial elements your screenplay must have
• How character, plot, and conflict relate to your story
• How to write scenes that are exciting and stirring for the reader while continuing to move your story forward
• The common mistakes most writers make when beginning a screenplay and how to avoid them
• Writers who want to learn what producers are really looking for in the first 10 pages
• Writers who have a great story, but are having trouble getting its full potential across to their readers
• Writers who want to hook their reader from the very first page
• Writers who are having trouble getting their story started
• Writers who have had their script rejected
• Writers who want their script to feel professional
• Writers applying for festivals, competitions, fellowships, and grants
• Writers who want to improve their craft
• Writers who would like to learn more about capturing the attention of agents, producers, and managers
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.