Writing The Phone Call
Have you noticed that telephones are everywhere these days? They're actually everywhere; the Starbucks line, your favorite restaurant, even sacred spaces like movie theaters and churches. People are constantly talking on and typing into their smart phones. Phones are simply a fact of life.
Just because we are constantly on our phones in our daily life doesn't mean that our characters should be. Real life is not drama, and we screenwriters need to make the most dramatic choices for our characters possible. The danger in using phone calls in film as much as we conduct them in reality is that you may be minimizing, rather than maximizing the drama of your screenplay or teleplay.
- Four different ways to write telephone calls
- Eight questions to help you figure out the best way to write different types of calls
- Creating drama through a phone call without minimizing the value
- Are rewriting your script and want to punch up the dialogue
- Want your script to engage readers
- Are writing your first draft and don't know how to approach including a telephone call
A great telephone scene will stand out for time to come. Watch this how-to video with Crickett Rumley and improve your skills today!
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