Writing for TV - 2014 Screenwriters World Conference Session
To launch a professional television writing career, many screenwriters turn to spec scripts of successful current shows. What most writers don’t know is that their spec must go far beyond merely dialogue that fits the characters and plot. In order for a spec to catch the attention of producers, it must not only rise above all other specs, but also be more memorable, compelling and entertaining than most of the show’s actual produced episodes. They need to also come up with original stories which somehow both fulfill the basic premise and characteristics of the show they’ve written for, and also break new ground in some way.
In this recorded conference session, writers will learn the key elements to a successful “episodic spec,” including how to choose the right kind of show to spec, how to identify great story ideas for a spec, and common pitfalls in this process -- as well as and notes on the business realities in the TV staffing world, from the instructor's personal experience.
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