Write the Short Film to Establish Your Screenwriting Career
A short film can speed up the process to establish oneself in the industry as a filmmaker as opposed to the time and expense of a feature. But, make no doubt about it – there are no SHORTCUTS when it comes to crafting the narrative that needs to immediately drive the story in such a short amount of time. In order to succeed as a short film writer, you will need to hone your skills to quickly ignite and hold the interest of a short film audience.
Learn the steps you need to take in order to deliver on your assignment as a short film writer. You’ll learn how to consider your audience for the short film – which is many times online viewers, film festival judges and event attendees, and those who are assigned the jobs at agencies, production companies and studios to ‘screen’ or evaluate samples provided by potential writers, directors and producers they’re considering to represent or work with.
You’ll then determine based on the assignment, collaborative project or your own interest in writing a short film to produce yourself, what the best story is for your short film. Sometimes writers decide to make a “short” of a feature film – and the end result feels like an interrupted or abbreviated story instead of one told from beginning to complete end in a short amount of time. Brainstorming and story decision-making lessons provided will allow you to easily see what stories should be a feature and which tales are ideal for the short film medium.
In order to break through the clutter of your competition for a short film audience, you’ll also need to tell that story like a pro. You’ll learn the exact tactics used by the professionals to format and structure a short film script; as well as develop your story’s characters.
The beauty of a short film is that it can be made quickly with the right team. But no one should call “ACTION!” on set until the story is 100% ready. Learn the final steps you’ll need to take to ensure your script is ready for production and the core team you should look to work with when that time comes.
- How to understand the exact needs and expectations of a short film audience
- How to brainstorm a short film topic and story to resonate with that audience
- How to write like a pro by knowing the structure and format of a short film script
- Key tactics to develop characters with stories to quickly engage a short film audience
- How to workshop and develop drafts of your short film script to ensure it is ready for production
- New writers looking to break into screenwriting with a short film script
- New writers who may be experienced in other areas of film who are looking to gain skills to write their own short film script
- Writers with an interest in having their work in other mediums produced as a short film (novelists, short story writers, creative writing professionals, journalists, etc)
- Writers who need help identifying what idea they should pursue with a short film
- Writers who need help on the plot, format and structure specific to the short film medium
- Writers whose characters’ stories need to be streamlined and condensed to engage a short film audience
- Writers wanting to produce their own work with any level of production (i.e. for YouTube only or the film festival circuit) by telling a short and memorable story in a film
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