Turn Your Script Into A Novel
Your script is fantastic. It’s tight, it’s filmable, and it’s ready to go right now. You KNOW it’s going to be the next big thing, but you send it out…and crickets. Nobody cares, not because your script isn’t awesome, but because nobody’s talking about it.
I felt that way too. What I found is that when I turned my script into a novel a world of opportunity opened up to me. I was able to start getting the reaction directly from fans I KNEW my work deserved. I got my work read by producers, optioned, and people started to see me as an authority in my field.
It never would have happened if I didn’t take my first scripts and adapt them into novels. Those scripts would still be sitting in a drawer and I would still be wondering what to do next. But I know what to do now, because I’ve done it. And I want to show you exactly how to do it too.
Because I know you have an awesome story, and I know I can help you tell it to the world. Writing a novel isn’t that scary. Not when you have somebody lay out exactly how to do it.
- Why turning your script into a novel is the single best way to build your career
- How to take your script and break it down and turn what you’ve already written into the base of your manuscript
- How to flush out your manuscript with prose and dialog the strength the narration
- How to package both your script and novel together so producers will LOVE it, with fantastic graphics and great editing
- Where to go in order to print your book that makes you look like a rock star publisher
- How to write fast and furious so a book’s length doesn’t seem so daunting
- Writers with a finished script that is tight and ready for submission but want that extra oomph to push it over the edge
- Writers in the middle of revisions who want to make sure their scripts get the most exposure
- Writers who have submitted to agents and production companies with little to no luck, but don’t want to waste all their world building and structure
- Writers that have sold or optioned scripts, but want to have more options than having their script sit in a producer’s desk for the next decade
- Writers planning their career and wanting to be sure they are taking the best route for success
- Writers who want the tightest package to market to production companies, agents, managers, etc.
- Writers who want to sell to more people on a smaller scale, and build an audience one by one