The Plot Thickens: An Agent's Tips on Story Structures That Sell Webinar
If you're serious about getting your novel or memoir published, or wondering why your manuscript is not getting the attention you desire, let literary agent and writing instructor Andrea Hurst show you how to structure a plot that will keep an agent turning the page.
In this 90-minute OnDemand webinar, writers will have the opportunity to learn what agents and editors look for in a marketable novel or memoir - from an exciting beginning to a story's three acts. Once an agent determines an author has mastered the craft of writing, the next thing she looks for is an intriguing plot. Ms. Hurst presents techniques that will help build your story, solve plot issues, and create a strong beginning, middle, and end that will help you get noticed, get read, and up your chances of getting sold.
- The essential elements of story building, including common problems in a story's three acts
- Structuring beginnings that hook the reader. Also: What beginnings are cliché or overdone?
- Common reasons manuscripts are rejected
- Insight into the three-act method of plotting, such as establishing the stakes and a satisfying conclusion (a climatic ending)
- Writers who are in the process of crafting a novel or memoir
- Writers who are ready for an agent to see their work.
- Writers who are interested in learning more about how an agent reviews submissions.
- Writers who are actively submitting their novel or memoir and want some tips to strengthen their plot.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.