Strategies for a Successful TV Writing Career
There has never been more opportunity for aspiring writers in the world of television. It is truly a second Golden Age. Channels like History, FX, Amazon and many others are all looking for original programming. This is an opportunity clever new writers should take advantage of at all costs.
The webinar will be taught by Glenn M. Benest, award-winning screenwriter and one of Los Angeles’ most popular instructors of screenwriting workshops.
- Time-tested strategies for breaking into TV
- Unconventional new approaches (like creating short web-based shows) to provide content and exposure to launch your career
- How to pick one show over another when writing a TV spec
- An insight into the world of reality TV and guidance into tapping into this market
- Finding opportunity in the world of the “limited series” and what projects work best in this format
- Working smart and taking advantage of subjects and genres that are most successful in this new world of exploding TV programming
- Beginning writers who want to break into this lucrative market
- More experienced screenwriters who want to take advantage of these markets and find new possibilities for work
- Feature writers who see the great opportunity in TV and want to try their hand on the small screen
- Those who have ideas for current shows and want to write a spec
- Any writer who loves the more intimate nature of television and wants guidance on how to break into this market