Secrets to Writing a Great Animated Film
A great animated feature film is hard to beat. But often, animated scripts lack the necessary elements to make them sparkle. Writing for animation can also be quite different than writing for live action. How can you embrace these “creative” differences, as well as those inherent in the process of writing for animation?
Pat has worked as a story consultant for Disney/Pixar and will share the essential elements of a terrific animated film, discuss the super collaborative nature of writing for animation, and talk about all the personal skills you’ll need to cultivate to be successful.
Learn how to create great animated stories, use the genre’s conventions in original ways, and develop the flexibility needed to thrive in this fast paced, demanding environment.
- The differences between animated and live action films.
- The key elements of a terrific animated film.
- How to find your creative “hook”.
- How to use the conventions of the genre in original ways.
- What it’s like to work collaboratively on an animated film.
- How to develop the personal skills to succeed as an animation writer.
- Writers who love animation
- Writers who love to collaborate
- Writers who struggle with finding their “hook”
- Writers who want to understand what makes animated films shine
- Writers who struggle with finding originality in their stories
- Writers who want to understand the working process of animation
- Writers who want to develop their skills as a team player
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