Marketing Your Film and TV Projects: Creating Loglines, One-Sheets & Query Letters for Executives
Getting an executive interested in your script is not as simple as having a great script. You must get in the door before you can even dream that an executive will be reading that wonderful script you have written. Loglines, one-sheets, and query letters are essential to piquing and keeping an executive’s interest. Producer and top-rated script consultant, Wendy Kram, will break down each step in the process of creating compelling loglines, one-sheets, and query letters that will leave execs asking for more. She will give you examples of projects that sold based on these essential elements and break down these examples to show you exactly why they where so successful.
Crafting an intriguing logline How to appropriately use a one-sheet The key to writing a query letter that impresses executives How to showcase your personal skills while marketing your project The answer to the sticky question, is it OK to use movie comparisons?
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