How To Develop, Sell and Write a Television Mini-Series
The television miniseries is a hot format right now and everyone in Hollywood wants to know how they can get in on this “new” trend. But the trend isn’t really that new. This OnDemand webinar will give you the information about the current marketplace for miniseries and what tools, skill and material you will need to break into the business.
Understanding the buyer’s needs is what television is all about today. Each network has demographics they covet and the project you sell to them has to reach that demo and more. This OnDemand webinar will review in detail how network executives evaluate and categorize projects like a potential miniseries.
Network and cable television is a hyper-competitive and expanding marketplace. This has made the competition for great material from screenwriters and book authors a bigger challenge than ever. If you are a writer looking to break into the miniseries marketplace, or producer, but not the first person the big agencies call with a hot script, then there are steps you can take to find the material you need that networks want, and this OnDemand webinar will give you those strategies.
- How to find and choose a project the network wants
- What format each network needs in a mini
- The importance of brand
- Whether or not a writer should spec a miniseries
- The immense value of books and life rights.
- The most important thing a writer can do to sell a miniseries
- Writers and Producers who are looking to break into television
- Writers and Producers who want to learn the challenges of this “new” marketplace
- Writers who specialize in long form story-telling
- Writers and Producers who want to learn what types of material sells as a mini and why
- Writers who specialize in “true story” or “real life” storytelling
- Writers who need to learn the various formats of a modern miniseries
- Writers looking for more markets for their material
- Writers wanting to maximize their job prospects
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.