How to Ace a Meeting with an Executive, Producer, or Agent
Believe it or not, every interaction is a “meeting.” This includes the follow-up call, the formal pitch meeting, the elevator pitch, and the networking event.
Most of us are dying to present ourselves professionally and effectively, yet we’re nervous, inexperienced, or intimidated. We feel that “schmoozing” is something we’re bad at or that it’s inauthentic, even a little slimy.
Fortunately there are tools you can use to ace the meeting, connect with your conversation partner, and present yourself powerfully, authentically, and genuinely every time!
This OnDemand webinar is led by entertainment career coach Shawn Tolleson.
- The four stages of a successful meeting
- How these four stages scale from a 5 minute phone call to an hour-long pitch meeting
- How to effectively “close” a meeting and move the relationship or negotiation forward
- The biggest mistake people make in meetings
- The “Open Sesame” of meetings
- How to “sell yourself” authentically and powerfully
- How to ask that one big question you’re dying to ask
- How to effectively set up a follow-up meeting
- Writers who want great relationships with their representation
- Writers who want to build terrific teams around themselves
- Writers who want collaborative partnerships with the producers of their projects
- Writers who want to pitch and sell
- Writers who want to maximize pitchfest opportunities
- Writers who want to improve their networking
- Writers who want to be “good in the room”
- Anyone who knows they could be better in meetings and wants to improve their meeting skills
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.