Finding the Sweet Spot – When Is My Script Ready?
We’ve all heard the Hollywood adage that you only get one shot at having your script read. Is this true? Unfortunately, yes. Unlike your friend who’ll read multiple drafts in exchange for tequila most executives aren’t so easily plied. They have an ever growing stack of material to read and an inverse amount of time to get to it. If a piece doesn’t grab them immediately they’re not even going to finish it, let alone read another draft. You might decry this reality but if you were in their shoes you’d do the same thing. It’s best to embrace the truth and write the best piece you can.
But how do you know you’ve written the best piece you can? How do you know when your screenplay is ready to go out into the world? This, of course, is the million dollar question. Some writers send their material out before it’s really finished; while on the other end of the spectrum, some writers never feel ready and get caught in an endless loop of rewriting. Neither scenario works. You don’t want to jump the gun or hold on for dear life. The trick is to find the sweet spot for when you’re piece is truly ready.
Knowing when your script is ready requires having a good sense of your overall intentions and the story you want to tell so you can assess when you’ve reached your goals. You need to be able to dig deep and see through any excuses you might be making to avoid doing the real work inherent in rewriting. You also need to honestly assess any fears around going out to the world so you don’t get caught rewriting endlessly. Once you’ve done this, you need a solid plan for how to take your script out. This includes managing your expectations and getting a clear idea of where your script fits into the marketplace.
This OnDemand webinar will discuss these points (and more!) and will give you valuable tools you can use to assess when you’ve reached the “sweet spot.” Learning how to make this important judgment call will ensure you go out at the right time giving you the best possible chance at success!
- How to define “ready”
- The importance of knowing your intentions and what story you want to tell
- How long it takes to complete a polished draft
- Why you may be rushing the process and jumping the gun
- Common excuses writers use to avoid rewriting and how to overcome them
- What mindset you need when approaching a rewrite
- The steps involved in doing a rewrite
- Key areas that need to be addressed when rewriting
- The challenges inherent in rewriting and how to overcome them
- The importance of getting feedback before sending your script out
- How to make the most of the feedback you get
- What’s at the heart of holding on for dear life
- What stops writers from moving on
- The importance of having a well thought out plan for getting your script out
- How to determine your script’s marketability
- How bring clarity to your expectations
- How to decide if you’ve reached the “sweet spot”
- Writers at all levels and at any stage in the process.
- Writers who want to enter a contest, attend a pitching event, get an agent or reach out to a production or distribution company—but aren’t sure if their script is ready.
- Writers who are outlining or on their first draft and want to know the process of rewriting and developing a script.
- Writers who want to know what it takes to write a draft that’s ready to go out.
- Writers who feel like they are close to a finished draft.
- Writers who have been rewriting and feel like they can’t let go.
- Writers who want to know how to assess their script’s readiness.
- Writers who have taken their scripts out too early in the past.
- Producers or directors who are working with writers and want to be able to assess when the script is ready to move forward.
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