Find the Right Producer (Through the Power of Your Own Social Network)
If you were a car salesman, you’d know better than to waste your time trying to squeeze a family of six into a sports car, or sell a movie-star a practical minivan. But when it comes to selling your screenplay, it’s easy to find yourself behaving like the worst kind of salesman, desperately pitching to anyone who will listen, without ever taking a moment to develop a game plan that can actually lead you to success.
Though it may seem like the doors of Hollywood are closed to you, the truth is that producers are as desperate for the right script as you are to sell yours. But to get those doors to open, you’ve got to have the right material, and target the right producers in the right ways.
In this OnDemand webinar with Award-Winning Screenwriter Jacob Krueger, you’ll learn how to find the right producer for your project, form the connections you need through your own social network, talk to them in ways that will make them listen, and most importantly, make sure you have a product worth selling once you get there.
- How to identify the producers who will GET your writing (and how to recognize the ones who won’t)
- The top 5 reasons a screenplay gets rejected (that have nothing to do with the quality of your work)
- How to use the power of YOUR social network to break through the gates of Hollywood
- How to deal with rejection letters and turn your “enemies” into friends
- The top 10 ways a producer who doesn’t want your script can help you find the one who does
- How the instincts that drove you to write in the first place can be the key to selling your script
- How one simple mistake can make or break your pitch
- The top 5 elements of a great pitch
- How to know if your script is ready—and what to do if it’s not
- The top 5 mistakes writers make when selling their screenplays (and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage)
- How to show a producer you’re a professional
- What to do when the RIGHT person says, “no”
- A step-by-step approach to reach to the people you need in the way you need to reach them
- Writers who want to sell their screenplays
- Writers who have had their script rejected
- Writers who have a great story, but are having trouble getting its full potential across to producers
- Writers who want to break into Hollywood
- Writers who feel they don’t have the right connections
- Writers who have received bad coverage
- Writers applying for festivals, competitions, fellowships and grants
- Writers who want to make the sales process as fun as the writing process
- Writers who want to improve their craft
- Writers who want techniques for identifying what makes their script unique and desirable
- Writers who need a step by step process to jump start their careers
- Writers who would like to attract a big star to their script
- Writers who would like to learn more about capturing the attention of agents, producers, and managers.
The founder of Jacob Krueger Studio in New York City, Jacob is an award winning screenwriter, playwright, producer and director. Jacob's first produced movie, The Matthew Shepard Story (2002) won him the Writers Guild of America Paul Selvin Award and a Gemini Nomination for Best Screenplay.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.