Everything You Need to Know Before You Seek Representation
There are two big mistakes new writers make when approaching agents and managers. These mistakes, unfortunately, can stop your chances of finding representation dead in the water. What should you have in place before approaching agents and managers? How should you go about approaching agents and managers? This webinar will answer these questions and provide you with everything you need to know before you seek representation. Learn how many polished scripts you should have before seeking representation, as well as out of the box strategies to move your career forward. You’ll also learn how to sell yourself (and your projects!) to an agent or manager.
A writer can burn bridges if he or she approaches an agents or managers without knowing how to do so correctly. Think about this for a moment. Would you attempt to cook lasagna based on what a picture looks like? Or would you get the lasagna recipe, purchase the ingredients, prepare and bake the lasagna, and then add your own flavor the next time you cook this dish? Of course, we know the logical answer. This webinar will cover the correct strategy you, as a writer, should take to confidently approach agents and managers.
- How to craft a flawless logline
- How to look at your writing as objectively as possible
- What agents and managers really mean when they say, "It's not for me"
- Where to get valuable feedback on your writing
- What feedback to use (and what to lose!)
- How to approach agents or managers without having any referrals
- Writers seeking the representation of an agent or manager
- Writers who want to enter contests
- New writers and writers who wish to continually improve their skills
- Writers wanting to gain an edge by understanding the business of screenwriting
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.