Creating Pitch Packages That Will Sell Your TV and Film Projects
It’s a challenge to get the right people in power to read your screenplays. The chasm between a query - or even a successful pitch - to a sale can feel insurmountable. Encapsulating everything that’s great about your project into a logline or even a one sheet can feel daunting.
Enter: pitch packages.
A pitch package is the very best of your verbal pitch captured on the page, often with conceptual visuals. Flawlessly executed, it can either secure you that elusive pitch meeting or serve as a brilliant follow-up tool that will carry your passion all the way up the ladder to close the deal. As meticulous, creative and tonally specific as loglines but encompassing the structure and themes of the entire project, pitch packages condense your conceptual material into marketing ad copy.
Nothing beats a face-to-face pitch but we do work in a visual, multi-media industry. An excellent answer to “What else have you got on this?”, learning to create marketable pitch packages can be a game changer for your career. A pilot can’t get sold without a series bible - but a series bible could get sold without a pilot script (and you could get commissioned to write it if your pitch package shows off your ability to express your compelling idea.
Heather has been hired to create one sheets, pitch packages, series bibles, slate business plans, investor pitch decks, password-protected marketing websites, brand presentations, look books, talent and sizzle reels for everything from feature films to sitcoms and one-hour dramas to reality shows – and every conceivable hybrid in between. She will share with you real world examples and the myriad strategies of what to include (and what not to), when and what to share, in what order and how to create memorable deliverables unique to your projects.
- The difference between a one sheet, a synopsis, a treatment, an outline, a scriptment, a beat sheet, an extended pitch, a pitch package, a pitch deck, a series bible and a look book.
- The difference between a speculative approach versus being commissioned to create similar materials
- How to write an effective synopsis
- How to write character bios and breakdowns (for marketing or attachment purposes)
- How to breakdown your series arcs
- How many episode ideas – and in how much detail – to share
- How to identify your Target Audience
- How to write project-specific bios to help you sell yourself in relation to this project
- How to write a Vision Statement (with or without a director attached)
- The Do’s and Don’t’s of Reality Show Proposals
- Whether or not (and when) to include cast, director or ShowRunner suggestions
- How to use the pitch package to engage the interest of marquee-level cast and crew
- How to customize your pitch package to different talent agencies, brands or prospects
- Feature Screenwriters who want to package their screenplays
- TV Writers who want to create a series bible to accompany their pilot script
- Reality TV producers who want to execute (and protect) their formats
- Authors who want to pitch the concept of their books being adapted to film or television
- Producers who want to raise money or attach talent to their projects
- TV Viewers with an idea for a Reality Show
- Content Creators who want to pitch product integration to brand managers and ad agencies
- Entrepreneurs who want to learn about new Client Supplied Programming Airtime Models
- Professionals who want to raise the bar on their marketing materials and better understand the entertainment content sales process
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