Creating Compelling Emotional Conflict
Many screenwriters focus on the rising conflict of the plot while foregoing the emotional stakes of their characters. Building the emotional conflicts of central characters is what moves an audience and creates films that are truly memorable and commercially successful. In this OnDemand webinar, you will learn practical tools to make an audience connect with your characters on a deep, primal level.
- How to establish the emotional stakes of a story as early as possible
- How to set up those emotional conflicts that ebb and flow and finally bring closure to a character’s inner struggle
- How to create the character arc
- The mosts successful form of character conflict: the dilemma
- How to delineate compelling flaws in a protagonist’s make-up without losing the audience’s sympathy for that character
- How plot relates to the character arc of your protagonist
- Writers who want to learn how to create successful, compelling characters
- Writers who want to bring more emotional depth to their stories
- Writers who want to break the mold of formulaic writing
- Writers who want to learn the keys to screenwriting that are commercial as well as artistically successful
- Writers who want to learn how the step-by-step tools of building a dynamic, compelling protagonist
Glenn M. Benest is an award-winning screenwriter/producer with three feature films and four television movies to his credit.
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