Creating A Great Character Arc
When we study successful films, the one constant is that the audience feels deeply for the protagonist. But how does a screenwriter accomplish that? This OnDemand webinar will show you how professionals use specific techniques to construct their protagonist’s character arc and in so doing, develop a story that is based on character, not plot.
- The step-by-step construction of a convincing character arc
- How starting from one emotional extreme and building to its opposite has the greatest impact
- The importance of giving your protagonist a real dilemma
- The power of creating a flawed anti-hero
- How to use the plot to “slam” your protagonist with the very thing they’re hiding from
- How you can use subplots to make your character’s journey as dramatic as possible
- Writers who are strong with plot but need help with character development
- Beginning screenwriters who want to understand the basics of developing a grippping, emotional story
- More advanced writers who want a road map to create unforgettable characters
- Writers who want to break the mold of formulaic writing
Glenn M. Benest is an award-winning screenwriter/producer with three feature films and four television movies to his credit.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.