Crafting and Selling Your Picture Book Webinar
As simple as it is to read and enjoy a good picture book, it is deceptively difficult to write one. In this webinar, you'll learn the basics of picture book structure, how to match image with story, and how the pacing of a picture book can drive the story and create a satisfying reading experience—and create a picture book that might catch the eye of a publisher!
What you'll learn:
- Misconceptions about picture books
- Beginner's mistakes and how to avoid them
- The structure of a picture book—including the importance of page count, page turns, and dummies
- How to craft a story that has the visual appeal a picture book needs
- How publishers evaluate picture books
- How publishers match picture books with illustrators
- Resources for picture book authors, including insider's tips on how to find out which topics are in particular demand
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.