Navigating the Inner Journey of a Rewrite
You've finished your screenplay, right?
Or have you?
Whether you’ve just typed FADE OUT or you’ve been wrestling with a rewrite for ages, rewriting is a necessary part of the screenwriting process. After all, you want your script to shine before you take it out into the marketplace. And since rewriting is part of a screenwriter’s job description, whether you’re elevating a spec, doing a page one rewrite, reworking a script based on feedback or coverage, or overhauling to meet a producer’s needs, it’s worth making sure you have all the tools you need at your disposal to make it happen.
But it isn’t always easy to face a rewrite, particularly if it’s a major one. Overwhelm and resistance tend to rear their ugly heads first because the job can feel so very big. Their close cousins fear and doubt lurk close behind and cause you to question whether you’re truly up to the challenge or even have the skills to take it on. Many writers just simply shut down when facing a rewrite, seizing up into a kind of paralyzed brain lock, wasting days, weeks, and even months of precious writing time. And worse — if you’re struggling to rewrite based on feedback you don’t necessarily agree with, you can go into a tailspin of mental arguments with the critique that get you nowhere fast.
Rewriting without getting tripped up by the inner demons requires a solid set of strategies. Not only do you need a strategy for dealing with the practical aspects of the rewrite itself, you also need a strategy for managing those four horsemen of rewriter’s block: Overwhelm, fear, doubt, and resistance.
As a screenwriter herself, Jenna knows the challenges and discomfort of rewriting first hand. As a writing habit and motivation coach who has worked with hundreds of writers worldwide, she’s helped writers navigate countless revisions over the last four years since she founded her online Writer’s Circle coaching program.
And since you'll be rewriting throughout your screenwriting career, you'll want a foundation of tools that work for you over and over again.
Learn how to navigate the inner journey of a rewrite so you can move through the process quickly and easily and get your scripts off the shelf and out into the world where they belong.
- Different rewriting methods to choose from
- Designing a rewriting strategy that works for you and your writing style
- Why you'll want to have an analytical strategy as part of your rewriting toolkit
- How to shift from writing mode to analysis mode and back again
- How to tell if you have the wrong rewriting strategy or are stuck in a slump
- How to tackle resistance and procrastination
- Methods for managing the project so you can stop feeling so overwhelmed
- Tools to hold fear and doubt at bay so you can get the rewriting done
- How to tell if you're stuck in perfectionism and what to do about it
- Ways to ensure you actually get all the way through to the end of the rewrite
- Writers who want to expand their knowledge of rewriting beyond mere word-smithing
- Writers who have taken rewriting classes and read rewriting books but still aren't doing the work
- Writers who have scripts they know need rewriting but are avoiding them because it feels too overwhelming
- Writers who feel stuck in self-doubt about their ability to take their script to its highest and best state
- Writers struggling with resistance, paralysis, and apathy about rewriting
- Writers who want a jumpstart on their rewriting process