Develop an Original Core Wound for Your Protagonist
Everybody talks about character, but who really writes a great one? Most books on character offer dreary 'formulas' where you select character attributes, but this is arbitrary and dull - 'archetype' characters feel stale and cliched. So how do you do create great characters?
Learn the single greatest secret scriptwriter Peter Russell discovered for creating the kind of great character that made stories like SNOWFALL BILLIONS, and CALL ME BY YOUR NAME so successful.
It's called your hero's CORE WOUND, and discovering what it really is is the key to unleashing your creativity in your story and writing to mesmerize an audience. This isn't about dull 'fill in the blank' character studies about 'my hero likes Pepsi. He can't face dentists.' blah blah -- that stuff NEVER works.
Using sharp, vivid exercises, Peter walks you through how to develop your own characters, so they really sing. These are the ways Peter himself created the characters of Law and Jack Johnson who are at the center of the two television pilots Peter sold in 2018. You can learn how to do it, too.
- Identifying the core wound in stories you love
- Finding a way to create your own original core wound
- How to use the hero's bleeding pain to structure your story around emotion, not plot
- Learning the types of core wounds
- Learning the 'bandages' character place on their core wounds - that don't really heal!
- Creating the 'compensatory superpower' in reaction to your hero's core wound
- Figuring out how your story's theme actually heals the core wound
- Writers who want to create amazing, original characters
- Creators who get lost in plot
- 'Stuck in their first draft' creators
- Story developers who can't improve their client's scripts
- Writers who are fantastic plotters, but create dull stories
- Actors who want to use their skills to become writers
- Creators with fantastic premises who can't spark their storylines
- Writers who have been told, repeatedly, 'your hero isn't sympathetic'
Find out more about Peter's online classes at peterrussellscriptdoctor.com
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