Decoding Story: ScriptXpert Standard Coverage + Development Notes with Jon James Miller
Hollywood knows how hard it is to develop all the ingredients to make a fantastic screenplay. That’s why they are loathe to spend money on breaking in new writers. But when they do buy a new property, it’s because they see the talent and determination the writer has put into mastering their craft as well as showcasing their unique voice. These scribes have gone the extra mile of getting story notes to ensure their script is ready to be covered by development professionals hungry to find the next big thing.
Is your story ready to be considered by busy industry professionals?
Jon James Miller, award-winning screenwriter and professional script reader, will help you identify the heart and soul of your story. Jon will also show you how to remove unnecessary exposition and story details that slow the read of your script down.
Standard Coverage includes a one-page graded score sheet that evaluates the major elements of your screenplay. In addition, an industry-reader synopsis will cover the main story beats of your narrative with structural comments and whether to recommend your screenplay to agents, managers and producers.
Next up are Development Notes, which is an extensive breakdown of your script by Act, with specific scene analysis and recommendations for improving the narrative flow and making it more marketable.
This 3 Act scene-by-scene analysis comes with a final analysis to determine how much revision is needed before the script is considered ready for submission to agents, managers, and producers.
Special attention is paid to what makes your story unique and viable in today’s competitive media market. Equally important, feedback will include how to further enhance the writer’s voice and the visual storytelling devices that make their work stand out. Analysis will include suggestions on how to strengthen pivotal scenes (or anchor scenes) in each act linking the main character’s story arc, stakes, and level of conflict to achieve a more dramatic cinematic journey and satisfying ending.
Coverage with Development Notes package includes:
- An industry-standard logline
- One-page synopsis
- Category chart with ratings on Dialogue, Characters, Story, Conflict, Premise, Format
- Overall commentary with a focus on why the script would or would not be recommended
- A rating on the “Pass, Consider, or Recommend" scale
- 8 pages of detailed scene analysis/act notes and final analysis for a positive recommendation
- Feedback on the structure and industry-friendly format most conducive to your story
With Coverage with Development Notes, you’ll receive all of the above plus in-depth notes and suggestions regarding story and plot, structure, characters, action, dialogue and writing. Also addressed will be weakness in general writing style, formatting, plot points, dialogue, and general appeal, and proposed suggestions for rewriting problem areas or fixing plot issues, helping you to turn your story into a professionally written, film development ready property.
Turnaround time is typically 10-15 business days. Select RUSH SERVICE to receive your coverage in 5 business days or less.
If you have selected Rush service, please make sure you have indicated in your email subject line that you ordered a Rush, and we will return your project within 5 business days.
Screenplay Format Guidelines:
Screenplays must be formatted and submitted as a PDF using industry-standard formatting, which will accurately determine the page count:
Page margins:
- Top: 1 inch
- Bottom: 1 inch
- Left: 1.5 inches
- Right: 1 inch (can vary up to a quarter-inch)
Font: Courier font; 12 points
All providers of ScriptXpert services have signed a stringent and comprehensive nondisclosure and confidentiality agreement. You can rest assured that your material and conversations will not be shared with anyone.
As an additional measure of protection for both you and your Studio Reader, we highly recommend registering your work with The Writers Guild of America and/or the U.S. Copyright office.
If you do not get a confirmation email, please email sdean@aimmedia.com for assistance.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds. All sales are final.