ScriptXpert Coverage

ScriptXpert Coverage

  • $164.00
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Customer Testimonials

“I’ve used your services several times in the past and have always valued the feedback.” – David S.

“I’m blown away at how useful these notes were. The reader gave me sooo many awesome suggestions!” Tommy C.

“Thanks for returning the notes so quickly. I really appreciate all the feedback.” – Angelique P.

“I really appreciate the review and report on my script…It was thorough and the advise and recommendation were great.” – Rick M.


Typing "FADE OUT" is just the beginning of your script's journey in the Industry. The first stop, after you submit to a production company or studio, is Coverage, an analysis and rating of your script by a professional reader who's been trained to spot exactly what Agents, Managers, Producers and content buyers are looking for in a screenplay.

Standard Coverage includes a one-page graded score sheet that evaluates the major elements of your screenplay on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor. In addition, your Studio Reader will provide you with two to three pages of notes about why an Industry reader would or would not recommend your screenplay to agents, managers, and producers.

Our Standard Coverage package includes:

  • An industry-standard logline
  • One-page synopsis
  • Category chart with ratings on Dialogue, Characters, Story, Conflict, Premise, Format
  • Two pages on Plot, Character and Marketability and one page of overall commentary, with a focus on why the script would or would not be recommended
  • A rating on the "Pass, Consider, or Recommend" scale

Ready to gain insight into the marketability of your Feature Film, Movie-of-the-Week or Television script, just like your script will with an in-house reader at a Hollywood studio? Book your Coverage package today and let us help you improve your odds of having your screenplay sold.

Turnaround time is typically 10-15 business days. Select RUSH SERVICE to receive your coverage in 5 business days or less.

If you selected Rush service, please make sure you have indicated in your email subject line that you ordered a Rush, and we will return your project within 5 business days.

Screenplay Format Guidelines:

Screenplays must be formatted and submitted as a PDF using industry-standard formatting, which will accurately determine the page count:

Page margins:

  • Top: 1 inch
  • Bottom: 1 inch
  • Left: 1.5 inches
  • Right: 1 inch (can vary up to a quarter-inch)

Font: Courier font; 12 points


All providers of ScriptXpert services have signed a stringent and comprehensive nondisclosure and confidentiality agreement. You can rest assured that your material and conversations will not be shared with anyone.

As an additional measure of protection for both you and your Studio Reader, we highly recommend registering your work with The Writers Guild of America and/or the U.S. Copyright office.

If you do not get a confirmation email, please email for assistance. 

The Writers Store does not offer any refunds. All sales are final.