Using Adaptations as the Perfect Source for Your Script
Agents, Hollywood producers, and publishers are always searching for the next great story. But not all writers start from scratch. Oftentimes, ideas come from the things we see, read, write, and hear. The challenge for many is how to transition these materials from their original form of a book, article, and story into a full-fledged viable screenplay.
So what’s your creative idea all about and where could it come from? Could it be the next bestseller at the bookstore or the next mega-hit movie? Maybe both. Savvy industry professionals love to leverage their time and efforts by capitalizing on a story that can be adapted into many forms. Watch, listen, and learn during this OnDemand webinar with the dream consultant who makes things happen for writers.
Best-selling, award-winning author, and powerhouse consultant Jennifer S. Wilkov of Your Book Is Your Hook and The Literary Matchmaker™ trains writers on their approach to literary agents and managers, Hollywood producers, Emmy Award-winning directors, the media, and more. Don’t miss having unique access to this professional who supports writers like you with understanding the hook for your screenplay and the veritable plethora of materials available for you to adapt for yours.
- Seven ways to locate common sources for your script or story
- Why some of Hollywood’s hottest scripts use adaptations and why they work
- The power and pitfalls of using adaptations
- The benefits of using an adaptation approach vs. starting from scratch
- How to find your story by taking a Hollywood producer’s point of view
- The secrets for writing an adaptation like a Hollywood pro
- How to effectively answer the question, “So, what’s your screenplay about?” based on the adaptation source
- Fool-proof ways to develop a reputation as an adaptation screenwriter for authors, publishers, and others
- Writers planning to use adaptation sources for their scripts
- Writers struggling with finding adaptation sources or wanting to find more of them
- Writers stumped on how to start and open their stories from scratch
- Writers who don’t want to start their scripts from scratch
- Writers who are curious about how to use adaptation materials
- Writers who are skeptical about if and why adaptations work well
- Writers who are unsure about whether they are using adaptations in the right way
- Writers stumped on appropriate titles for their adaptations
- Writers who want to extend their craft into using adaptations
- Writers wanting to know what executives are looking for in adaptations
- Writers who want to see examples of popular adaptations in Hollywood
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