Creating Powerful Story Outlines: Character Driving Plot
Writing is hard work, and it will always be hard work. However, a solid outline will make sure that your sweat and tears are pushing your screenplay in the right direction. In “Creating Powerful Story Outlines: Character Driving Plot,” expert screenwriter and educator Tom Benedek will use strong examples of character driven writing craft from films to illustrate best practices in creating a screenplay outline. He will teach ways to enhance plot movement through character driven action and offer writing exercises to build out character driven stories for the screen.
This OnDemand webinar will help screenwriters and novelists who are seeking to push the limits of their characters and story elements as well as filmmakers and story creators aiming for human resonance and emotional grounding in their projects.
- How to use characters to drive a compelling plot
- Ways to push the limits of your characters
- How to construct a solid outline so that you won’t waste time in the writing process
- Tips on how to approach revising a script outline
- Ways to create an emotional grounding for audiences
- Writers working on a script outline
- Writers starting out on a script rewrite
- All writers interested in bringing stronger characters into script or writing projects
- Beginning, intermediate, advanced, and professional screenwriters
- Screenwriters, novelists seeking to push the limits of their characters and story elements
- Filmmakers, screen story creators aiming for human resonance and emotional grounding in their projects