Writing the Irresistible Novel: Techniques and Insider Secrets for Making Your Novel One Agents Can't Help But Request
In a marketplace where more and more books are vying for attention, knowing how to write a book that stands out from the start is an essential skill for success. Who better to take you through the steps to cracking the bestseller puzzle than a literary agent? Literary agent, Barbara Poelle, will give you the scoop on what stands out in her submissions inbox.
She'll share her best advice for coming up with marketable ideas, and strategies to keep your creative engine running on high. The skills and techniques discussed are the same ones she recommends to her own clients when they're developing story ideas. This OnDemand webinar will give you the tools to create at your highest level and the vocabulary to talk about your creations in ways that will make industry professionals take notice.
- How to identify which concepts will grab attention
- What you can do today to create your strongest story ideas yet
- How to use writing exercises to break through creative stalls
- How to know when to walk away from a project that isn't working
- The one thing you can do to improve your marketing sense today
- What makes a query stand out from the submissions pile
- The importance of and uses for your log line and elevator pitch
- How to “think like an agent” or “think like a reader” to make your book stand out
- The rewards and perils of using social media