Script Doctoring for TV

Script Doctoring for TV

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In this golden era of television, TV writers are in high demand. Which means it’s the right time for aspiring TV writers to try to break in. And they’re all seeking help to do so – Thus, comes the TV Script Doctor! They help elevate writers’ work before submissions, and they also work as TV consultants, where they help develop stories and/or make on-the-go changes.

In this 3-hour live webinar by Hollywood Script Doctor Cody Smart, you’ll learn to analyze TV pilots & their supporting documents, how to give notes, how to assess if a show has “legs,” how to structure pilots around the emotional journey of the protagonist, the difference between real episode template pilots and premise pilots, how to flesh out characters and tease backstories that can be developed for seasons to come, how to use the world to benefit the story, how to write and polish the needed supporting documents, and finally how to make a career as a TV Script Doctor.




  • What a TV Script Doctor does and how they help clients
  • How to analyze TV pilots
  • How to analyze supporting documents (Show Bible & Pitch Deck)
  • How to give notes that offer tangible suggestions for improvement – and how to implement said notes
  • How to assess if a show has “legs”
  • How best to structure a pilot around the emotional arc of the protagonist
  • How to use the pilot to plant seeds for seasons to come
  • The difference between a real template of a normal episode vs. a premise pilot
  • How to flesh out characters & their backstories
  • How to use the world to benefit the story
  • How to polish the supporting documents of a pilot script
  • How to stay true to the essence of the script you’re doctoring
  • How to take a pilot to the next level
  • How to make a career as a TV Script Doctor


  • Beginning screenwriters who want to learn about unique career paths for writers
  • Intermediate screenwriters who want to better understand the difference between TV script readers, consultants, and doctors
  • Advanced screenwriters who are looking into new avenues to use their skills to help others elevate their work
  • Script readers who want to work on their note-giving skills, and who are interested in advancing to the next stage
  • Script consultants who want to learn how to set themselves apart from others offering script consulting services that focus on TV
  • TV Script doctors who want to hone their skills
  • All screenwriters who want to learn how to look at pilot scripts from a different perspective
  • All screenwriters who are in the process of reworking a pilot script and need new tools to tackle a rewrite
  • All screenwriters who want to learn how to deepen all areas of a pilot script, and take their work to the next level
  • All screenwriters interested in a career as a TV script reader, consultant or doctor


Cody Smart is a seasoned L.A.-based script consultant and script doctor from Chile. She holds degrees in English Literature & Linguistics, Screenwriting, Development, and Producing. She's worked as a script analyst for Sony, as a judge for multiple script and film competitions, as a consultant and script doctor for different script hosting and consulting sites, she does a vlog on Screenwriting, and she’s a UCLA Instructor in the renowned Writers’ Program. She takes pride in helping writers take their work to the next level.

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