Crime Writing From the Trenches of Hollywood
Crime dramas, mysteries, and procedurals are a staple in our entertainment diet. Netflix. Amazon. Hulu. You can find a crime show any hour of the day or night all across the globe!
From Stranger Things to True Detective to Mind Hunter, there truly is a crime story out there for everyone. But great crime stories don't just happen. They are highly engineered. And Hollywood knows how to kill it (pun intended)!
This OnDemand webinar offers professional tips, advice, and practices for penning your most compelling crime story to date—for page or screen. Gain foundational principles of crime and mystery writing that will help you ramp up the emotional grab, intrigue, suspense, and thrill of your next project – whether short story, novel, film, TV, or other media platform!
Learn the essential elements needed to structure a nail-biting crime drama, go deeper into character development, and build successful and suspenseful evidence trails.
The goal of this webinar is to come away from it with a solid set of ideas that can immediately be applied to your current WIP, or emerging project.
- Ways to take your story from ordinary to exceptional.
- The basic ingredients you need in any crime story.
- Professional writing tips Hollywood writers use to create bingeable drama.
- How to authenticate forensic science and crime scene investigation.
- 11 crime story types & which one’s best for you
- 6 types of evidence to create solid clue trails
- 4 forms of love to raise the stakes
- 10 story tropes to elevate tension and suspense
- 4 most common structures used to tell a crime story
- Tips on where to hide the bodies!
Jennifer Graeser Dornbush is a screenwriter, author, international speaker, and forensic specialist. Raised as the daughter of a medical examiner whose office was in their home, forensics is infused into her DNA.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.