Writing Scripts That Appeal to A-List Actors
The reason a film gets made is because a bankable star signs on to the project. These actors and actresses know the power they have and as a result want the best moments in the movie, the best dialogue, and demand the opportunity to play a full range of human emotions.
It’s not uncommon that the protagonist of a film is oftentimes the least interesting character. The reason this occurs is that the hero or heroine has the onerous task of carrying the plot and explaining the exposition. Minor characters don’t have this burden and can easily outshine the star. This is a fatal mistake and will make your screenplay less commercially appealing as a result.
Discover the secrets that all professional screenwriters employ to make their protagonists as compelling as possible.
Many of these concepts will not only heighten the commercial possibilities of your screenplay but will enrich your writing as well.
During the webinar, award-winning producer Glenn Benest will share insights into creating eye catching character arcs, help you devise dramatic entrances for your heroes and heroines and will provide other tips and techniques that you can instantly use in your screenplays.
- How to develop a great protagonist
- How to best introduce your star
- How to create instant rooting interest
- How to give surprising characteristics to your protagonist that will make him or her a truly original creation
- How to orchestrate the best dramatic moments for the star
- How to avoid letting minor characters steal the limelight
- How to develop highs and lows for your protagonist so they can showcase the greatest range of their acting abilities
- How to avoid giving exposition to your heroes and heroines
- Beginning, intermediate, and experienced screenwriters
- Writers who want to learn how to make the protagonist compelling
- Writers who want learn more about creating character arcs
- Writers who want to learn about devising dramatic entrances for the hero or heroine
- Writers who want to improve the commercial appeal of their screenplays
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.