Writing a TV Pilot in 2024 Ultimate Collection
There are more television/streaming opportunities than ever, and not all screenwriting formats and structures are the same. While there are some similarities between features and TV scripts, there are key differences that should be understood for anyone entering the TV market. In this carefully curated collection, you will learn the key differences, how to develop and pitch TV ideas, how to map out a series, how to market your project, and more! If you have an idea for a TV Pilot or you haven't had success with your current project, this is the collection for you!
TV Writing for Feature Screenwriters (OnDemand Webinar):
This OnDemand webinar will not only help you to apply your feature writing skills to the form and format of television, but it will also show you how to adapt one of your feature screenplays into a TV pilot. After you learn the key characteristics that must be present in a concept to work on television, your instructor Daniel Calvisi will review the structural secrets of the television pilot. ($39.99 value)
Developing and Pitching the TV Series (OnDemand Webinar):
It’s vital that screenwriters learn the strategy for combating all of the reasons buyers would ‘pass’ on their property. Additionally, they need to learn to subtly highlight reasons to say “yes” - and attain the ability do so in a very timely manner, with a carefully crafted short pitch. This webinar will give you all of these skills and more. ($39.99 value)
Writing the TV Spec That Sells (OnDemand Video):
Every aspiring television writer must have several excellent specs that showcase a talent for scriptwriting. This session will cover choosing the best shows to spec, learning to study episodes and format, and highlighting your own voice while staying true to the show are the skills that will get you hired as a writer. Study the secrets to writing television specs that will make your script shine. ($39.99 value)
The Ultimate TV Pilot Structure Toolkit (OnDemand Webinar):
This OnDemand webinar is the culmination of years of story analysis and interviews with TV professionals. Calvisi’s Story Map method will help you understand and execute the structure used by professional TV writers in Hollywood today. These techniques can be taught to any writer, even those attempting their first pilot script. ($39.99 value)
Structuring the Bulletproof One Hour Pilot Script (OnDemand Webinar):
The big opportunity for screenwriters has shifted dramatically from film to television, and there is no better way to get in the game than to have written a professional, bulletproof one hour pilot script. In this OnDemand webinar, learn Jeffrey Alan Schechter's bulletproof one hour pilot script system to make your scripts professional and memorable.($39.00 value)
Creating and Writing the Next Buzzworthy TV Show: Building the Perfect “Puzzle Box” Series (OnDemand Webinar):
This OnDemand webinar will explore the structure of Westworld and other puzzle box hits to determine what makes one of these shows work, what elements are necessary for success, and how to avoid the traps this new paradigm offers. ($39.99 value)
Season Bible: Building Your TV Series Pitch (OnDemand Webinar):
Producers and studios are seeking fully formed series presentations for marketing to networks and channels. Any TV series covers a vast amount of creative content in each of its seasons. To adequately showcase the potential of a series idea, it is important to be able to enunciate a long-term view of what the show will offer story-wise. ($39.99 value)
10 Steps to Developing a Killer TV Pilot (OnDemand Webinar):
As a development executive, Carole has heard more than three thousand pitches and was involved in developing hundreds of pilot scripts. The most successful scripts have certain elements in common. This OnDemand Webinar teaches what those elements are, so you can make your script irresistible to the industry. ($39.99 value)
Creating a TV Pilot That Goes Outside the Box (OnDemand Webinar):
In this 90 minute OnDemand webinar, Jen Grisanti will go over how to create compelling concepts with strong series arcs that go outside the box. Jen believes that the key to strong story all comes down to character, structure and conflict. She will go over shows that are outside the box conceptually and have very compelling series arcs. ($39.99 value)
The Secret to Creating Characters That Bring a TV Pilot to Life (OnDemand Webinar):
Before William Rabkin wrote the best-selling book Writing the Pilot, he created a dozen pilots for broadcast and cable networks and several more on spec. In this presentation he discusses the least-understood aspect of creating the memorable protagonist, that will allow you to explore every aspect of your lead’s soul. ($39.99 value)
Writing the Pilot for the New Global Streaming Market (OnDemand Webinar):
This OnDemand webinar teaches how to create a pilot that can stand out even in this worldwide market. Instructor William Rabkin, author of two best-selling books on writing the pilot and creator of pilots and series in the US and around the world, imparts technical and practical instruction on what makes a series appeal to the entire world. ($39.99 value)
First Ten Pages of Your Drama Pilot (OnDemand Webinar):
In this webinar, Peter Russell shows you, using examples from stories like SNEAKY PETE, OZARK, MR. ROBOT, OA, STRANGER THINGS, TRUE DETECTIVE, RAY DONOVAN, and others, just how the first ten pages of a pilot can go off like a bomb in your audience's mind, hooking them for the next hour. Peter also shows you how to wrap these devices in the form of a TV beat that grabs the audience. ($39.99 value)
Writing the 30-minute Dramedy: The New Frontier! (OnDemand Webinar):
Professional Story Analyst, author and speaker Daniel Calvisi has studied and dissected the 30-minute dramedy format and spoken with many industry professionals to come up with a roadmap to help you engineer your own compelling pilot. In this OnDemand webinar, he shares the secrets used by the most successful creative teams today. ($39.99 value)
Creating the Half-Hour TV Pilot: Single Cam or Three Cam (OnDemand Webinar):
Sitcoms never go out of style, but the fashion changes. Learn how the three act TV structure works in both one and three cam sitcoms, how to find the right 'hook' for the entire series, the eight questions to ask when you're writing a half hour sitcom pilot, and what production companies and networks are looking for when you 'shop a pilot'. ($39.99 value)
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