The Audience's Connection to a Screenplay: Engaging through Conflict
Screenwriting is a rigorous process, and for a story to work in this medium the audience must connect to the hero – you must make the audience care! However, this does not come about by giving your character good personality traits. The audience needs to see strength in overcoming; they need to see “reality” through conflict.
Carla’s passion for storytelling begins with her connection to the journey of the hero, and for an audience to root for a hero; there must be a relationship with the character based on weakness and character defect. With a background in the dramatic arts, and English literature, Carla will share with you her process for creating relatable, “realistic” characters through the use of conflict.
Discover why so many scripts fail at the get go, how good characterization is based more on weakness and need than personality traits, and how both internal and external conflict is used to move the story forward and bring the hero to transformation.
- How conflict helps to deepen the main character
- How conflict works in a storyline
- About the many faces of conflict
- Why audiences must have a connection to the hero
- How to make your audience “care” about the hero
- The importance of dramatic tension and how it works with the hero
- The essence of storytelling, no matter what the genre
- The importance of universal appeal
- Screenwriters who want a story that connects to the audience
- All-level screenwriters
- Screenwriters who want a better understanding of dramatic conflict and how it is used in the story
- Screenwriters who want to expand their writing skills
- Screenwriters who want to impress readers and (hopefully) sell their scripts