Rewrite Tips to Make Your Script Marketable
The road to getting your script produced is fraught with pitfalls and chances to commit grave errors, but the biggest mistake you can make could happen before you even begin your journey. It all starts with your script. If you are not getting the feedback that you are hoping for with your script perhaps it is time to consider some rewrite tips that will make your script more marketable. With over 50 hours of produced television credits, Heather Hale can speak from experience about every aspect of the TV and film industry. With her guidance you can ensure that you are able to make your screenplay stand out from all of the others.
The relationships between art, craft and trade in the screenwriting business Details about the process of what happens to your script after it is sold How to make the reading experience of your script emulate what the finished product would look like Some tools to see your script as a reader might How to seek out valuable feedback on your writing What to do with feedback you disagree with “Speed bumps” that disrupt the experience of your script
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